IMW Specialists

What is Mold?

Mold is a fungus that is normal in nature. Outdoors, it is an important part of the ecosystem. But when mold begins growing where people live or work, it becomes a problem. If a mold infestation goes unaddressed for too long, it can damage the structure of a building, destroy valued possessions, and harm the health of the people living there.

Why is Mold Bad For You? 

Mold reproduces by releasing spores, thousands of tiny versions of itself that float through the air. Mold spores are normal and expected in small amounts, and don't necessarily mean there's an infestation. But if the spores can find consistently warm, wet areas in your home to land on, they can rapidly multiply and become a real problem. 

Breathing in too many spores causes cold-like symptoms in most people: nasal and sinus congestion, runny nose, difficulty breathing, chest tightness, cough, and sneezing. Sensitivity to mold varies, so some people may experience no symptoms while others experience potentially dangerous side effects, such as fungal infections. Most people will have more moderate sensitivity, but it's important to understand that as long as mold is present, it will continue to spread, and initially mild symptoms can become more severe if the mold is not eliminated.

How Mold is Mold Removed?

While the process for removing mold can vary, the setup and safety generally stay the same. HVAC systems should be turned off and the whole area should be closed off with plastic. An air scrubber needs to be set up to create a vacuum in the work area. This step ensures any mold released into the air while being remediated is quickly removed from the air. All technicians need to wear proper PPE, especially respirators.

When the affected area is drywall, the contaminated drywall usually needs to be removed and replaced. When the contaminated material can not be replaced, it will be soaked with fungicide, scrubbed, and encapsulated with a special paint. Encapsulating paint kills any remaining mold, and creates a synthetic surface that mold cannot grow on.

Once the mold is removed or encapsulated, the entire area will be sprayed and wiped down with an industrial fungicide to ensure that no mold spores can survive.